cooled cell中文什么意思

发音:   用"cooled cell"造句
  • cool:    adj. 1.凉,凉爽。 2.沉着的 ...
  • cell:    n. 1.小室,单室;隔间,舱;〔诗 ...
  • cooled cell radiometer:    冷却元件辐射计
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  1. Kevin : terra ! look at these cool cell phones ! i ' ve gotta have one
    泰拉! ?瞧瞧这些很酷的行动电话!我一定要买一支。
  2. Major products of the company are : ventilation equipments , including various types of fans , inlets , cool cells , and accessories ; livestock flooring systems including plastic floors , cast iron floors , high tensile steel beam , fiberglass beams etc , the company also produces patented full system containerized nursery buildings . consumer products such as hand tools and hardware , lighting


  1. cooled anode transmitting tube 什么意思
  2. cooled anode valve 什么意思
  3. cooled blade 什么意思
  4. cooled blades 什么意思
  5. cooled boiled water 什么意思
  6. cooled cell radiometer 什么意思
  7. cooled coal gas 什么意思
  8. cooled condition 什么意思
  9. cooled detecotr 什么意思
  10. cooled detector 什么意思


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